F.      Why Try? Innovative interventions that provide hope and motivate youth to overcome poverty, violence and failure – David Beasley, MHS, CRC, CDS Family & Behavioral Health Service


K.  Repeat Session


Target Audience: juvenile justice, mental health, school counseling, social service, teachers, and school administrators


Presentation abstract: The presentation will provide the audience with tools to help youth answer the question, “Why try in life” when youth are frustrated, confused, or angry about life’s pressures?  David will walk the audience through several practical methods to teach emotional intelligence and important life skills such as: anger management, problem solving, overcoming peer pressure, keeping laws and rules, building support systems, and having a vision of their future.


The presentation will include activities that help the attendees gain personal insight into the challenges youth face.  This workshop will emphasize a strength-based approach to helping youth overcome their challenges in their three main environments of home, school, and with peers. The presentation will focus on the importance of teaching social and emotional life skills using “multiple intelligence” methods that emphasize the youths’ learning styles.  The presentation will demonstrate the use of visual analogies (pictures), music, and hands-on experiential activities, to teach youth in ways that they will both understand and remember. 


The methods presented are based on sound, current research relating to multi-sensory learning, multiple intelligences, and solution-focused brief therapy.  Why Try is currently used in over 4000 schools, and is the subject of current research projects in several states, including Maryland, California and Utah.


Learning outcomes:

1.      How to empower youth overcome poverty, violence and failure

2.      How youth can take the challenges they face in life and channel them in a positive direction.

3.      How to help youth build a positive support system