M.  Creative Collaborations: Excellent Outcomes in the Most Challenging Cases – Meshon Rawls, Esq., Director, UF, Gator TeamChild and Karen Keroack, LCSW, Supervising Social Worker, UF, Gator TeamChild


Target Audience: all


Presentation abstract: As child advocates, we must think systemically and creatively in fostering a collaborative and holistic approach in serving our youth.   The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), establishes a model for child-centered services through the use of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).  In the IEP, the success of the child is the primary focus, thus giving the IEP interdisciplinary team a common goal.  The interdisciplinary team, comprised of adults who are involved in the child’s life, is responsible to create a plan of action.   


Children involved in the legal or delinquency system are often involved in other systems such as the dependency and school system.  These at-risk children often present with challenging issues and fragmented, uncoordinated services. As a child advocate, implementing the concept of the IEP in the form of staffings has provided more successful outcomes of coordinated care for youth.  The fundamental principles incorporated in the staffing include the concepts of assessment, identification of the staffing membership, roles and responsibilities, leadership and logistical issues.  Collaborating, brainstorming, and learning about the service delivery systems are integral to the success of the child.  A coordinated, collaborative, comprehensive interdisciplinary staffing process can make the difference in a child’s life. 


At UF, Gator TeamChild we have used the concept of collaborative, coordinated, interdisciplinary staffings for our at-risk youth who are involved in multiple systems such as the delinquency, dependency and school system.  Based on our experience, the use of staffings has generated better outcomes and coordinated care for our clients within the service delivery systems.


Learning outcomes:

1.      Participants will become familiar with systemic thinking, the IEP concept and interdisciplinary team work and collaboration

2.      Participants will be able to identify and apply the fundamental principles inherent in

3.      implementing staffings

4.      Participants will gain a useful and practical strategy to utilize with at-risk youth